Grading Preparation
Make sure that you learn the theory under the heading of your current kup/belt NOT the belt you are grading for e.g If you are a yellow belt grading to green stripe, please learn the yellow belt theory.
However, make sure to be prepared for 2-3 questions from previous belts as the syllabus is accumulative.
Be ready to demonstrate the techniques learnt for your grade e.g if you have learnt a side kick as a part of your grade syllabus, your grading examiner may ask you demonstrate it to check for correct application, correct tool and correct chamber position.
Red Belt Theory
The information below is everything you need to know for your theory section of your grading.
How many moves are in Hwa-Rang?
What is the meaning of Hwa-Rang?
Hwa Rang is named after the Hwa-Rang youth group, which originated in the Silla Dynasty in the early 7th Century. The 29 Movements refer to the29th Infantry division where Taekwon-Do developed into maturity.
What does red signify?
Red signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.
What is vertical stance?
The weight distribution is 60-40 toward the back leg and is one of the few stances where you have straight legs.
What shape is the diagram for Hwa-Rang?
A capital 'I'
What is high turning kick in Korean?
Nopundae dollyo chagi
What is palm pushing block in Korean?
Sonbadak miro makgi
What is upward punch in Korean?
Ollyo jirugi
What is knifehand downward strike in Korean?
Sonkal naeryo taerigi
What is side elbow thrust in Korean?
Yop palkup tulgi
What is inner forearm high side-front block in Korean?
An palmok nopundae yopap makgi.